Because we are on a golf course,
as we are in life
Golf is a school of life.
Your attitude and performance on the course are closely linked to how you live your life on a daily basis. In particular, certain traits of your personality (your "Ego") come to the fore when you play golf.
There are four main types of Ego in golfers:
the unlucky golfer
It's never their fault! The wind, the grass, the ball... They will blame everything and everyone to avoid taking responsibility, and it's often the same in life.
the defensive
When facing any obstacle, they run away. They take no risks and are afraid to follow their dreams. They are left with the biggest risk of all: having regrets.
The aggressive golfer
Determined, they strike first and think later. Always ready to take risks, they dare to impose themselves. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't.
the blindED
Always confident, often a little too much, they refuse to take a step back or change their opinion even if everything suggests they should. Second guessing themselves? Never.
By taming your Ego,
you will improve both your golf game and your daily life.
Your profile
my expertise
A passionate golfer for over 25 years, I have gone through every handicap from 54 to 0*.
I have played all over the world with golfers of all ages, abilities and social backgrounds, and have studied at length the parallels between their behaviors on and off the course.
Through my Golf&Go Coaching offer, I put this expertise at your entire disposal, to enable you to perform better on the fairways and in your everyday life.
*After going down, my handicap has unfortunately started going back the other way now...
What a ruthless game!
my services
GOLF&GO coaching
My goal is clear: to help you improve your golf and transform your life.
I am a strong golfer but I am not a golf teaching professional, so I am not here to give you technical advice on your swing. However, most of my Golf&Go coaching is done in tandem with a recognized teaching pro in one of my partner golf clubs.
You then benefit from an elite dual expertise to support your development and performance.

green day GOLF&GO
Have a Mulligan
A complete “detox” day at one of our partner golf courses to lighten your mental load while improving your swing.
Our partnership
Welcome coffee, 2h private lesson with a professional teacher, lunch, 18-hole course, 19th hole debriefing.
Your investment
One-day commitment, alone or with others.
1,900.- (1p) / 2,400.- (2p) / 2,900.- (3p)
All costs included.
The Grand Slam
Forget the par, aim for a birdie
A tailor-made support program lasting several months at my 4 exclusive partner golf courses, to clarify your ego style and then reduce its impact on your life and your golf.
Our partnership
Personalized program via 4 green days on my 4 partner golf courses and 4 additional coaching sessions (remotely or face to face).
Your investment
Commitment of 4 days and 4 sessions over 4 months.
All costs included.

Take charge of your mind
Learn to recognize and tame the 4 ego styles on the course and in your personal and professional environment.
Our partnership
An 18-hole round together wherever you want to help you discover the 4 styles of golfers' egos and their applications in everyday life. I also give you all my strategy, mindset and course management tips to improve your game.
Your investment
An 18-hole course. Alone or with others.
1,000.- / Green fee extra.
let's chat
When everything is getting faster and faster around us, I offer you to take some time. Let's take the time to meet, get to know each other and explore in depth your dreams, your desires and your expectations.
and let's DRIVE